Sunday, August 18, 2013


breakfast in the cabin - don't think we had the wine!

stopping for coffee

straddling the border between Norway and Sweden

yay! reindeer!!!

Swedish camp site

Malcolm at the cabin



August 17

A sunny, warmer day today.  We left the cabin and drove East towards Sweden, first up the mountains and past the usual rocky, lake-y terrain then into the conifer forests, kilometres of them.

Suddenly we saw reindeer!  Some of the herd had crossed the road, some was still on the far side.  We saw some more further up the road, crossing the other way.  So, no moose yet but reindeer are pretty exciting!

We crossed the border into Sweden - then went back to the last shop in Norway to spend our remaining Norwegian kroner on groceries.  We are camped beside a river in a Swedish forest.  There is no freedom camping in Sweden but there are designated areas in the wilds. This one has a toilet, picnic table, shelter, wood pile and fire hearth.  We had the place to ourselves from when we got here at 4.00 but now(8.30) 2 other cars have arrived. 


  1. Any red nosed reindeer? I never knew that Sweden etc looked like this. Thanks so much for this blog, you guys are awesome!!!!!

  2. Reindeer! So exciting! I wish we saw one. I never had any desire to go to Sweden/Norway etc but your photos are totally making me want to go there, it is so beautiful! Reminds me of Switzerland too.
