Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hans Christian Anderson


HCA's birthplace

Viking ship from ship burial under a mound

lots of thatched homes

HCA's house

rune stone at Ladby

building a replica boat

Malcolm checks it out

August 3

We drove across to the next island of Denmark, Funen and the town of Odense, birthplace of Hans Christian Anderson.  We visited his birthplace and museum.
Then we went to Ladby where we saw the world's only ship burial.  A Viking king was buried in his ship with all his finery and horses, slave etc and a mound piled over him.  It has been excavated but the mound has been replaced and you can go into it and view the ship in a sealed chamber inside,
We camped early in the afternoon and chilled out in the shade drinking wine, all this culture is tiring!!


  1. Is the wine cheap there? I was spoilt by the cheap wine in Europe and now am sad about having to pay 5 pounds a bottle :( They have a lot of choice in cider here though so I got a couple of bottles to try out in our new house, we moved in yesterday! It is in Limehouse/Stepney so close to where I will get a job hopefully! Looks like you guys are having an interesting time, hopefully it isn't too hot!

  2. Love those bikes. Is it my imagination or do the houses look tiny????

  3. Wow H C A birth place has just been a question on millionaire hot seat. I was just reading about it on your log. I actually knew the answer anyway!!!!!!
