Saturday, August 10, 2013

South coast

free camping spot by a lake

typical south coast scenery


Norway's most southerly lighthouse

Viking ships represented by Viking era people on stones

standing stone from Viking era site

our lakeside campsite

Norwegian wood

along the coast

by lighthouse

Friday 9 August

South coast

Woke to a clear morning with mist rising from the lake.

We spent the day driving around the south coast of Norway from Kristiansand to near Stavanger.  We drove along as many little roads as we could looking at the fjords that indent the coastline.  Every corner had a new fabulous view, with boats and clusters of buildings all painted red and white.  We had a coffee and donut in Mandal and wandered around its old streets before heading to Norway's most southerly lighthouse.  We looked around there then continued along the coast checking out some rock carving/paintings and bronze age burial cairns, standing stone, etc before finding a campsite beside a lake on Fedafjord, near Stavanger.  I have spent the last 2 days looking for elk (moose) as they are on all the road signs but no luck yet!

The weather has been fantastic today, though cooler than we had been having in England and Denmark.  The forecast for the next week is mixed though so we will have to see what we do, might have to change the itinerary a little.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get to see a moose! We spent so long looking for deer but never saw one :(
