Monday, August 12, 2013

Rainy fjords again

old church

typical ferry - we have been on a few

sometimes there is a bridge!

stave church at Rodal

neat place for a bach

Malcolm tries meat balls, probably elk's :-)

August 11

Rainy fjords again

It started to rain around 6.00 am but we decided to follow our plan of driving around some scenic fjord routes hoping it would clear.  It didn't - until about 5.00 when we camped.  However the scenery was dramatic if somewhat grey and shrouded by cloud.  We took another ferry and visited another stave church, this on at Roldal.

This church was totally painted with traditional designs inside but we weren't allowed photos.  it was built around 1100 (from memory)possibly 1200.  We also stopped at Roldal for lunch in a Norwegian-style family run restaurant.  Malcolm had meat balls but I had chicken.  We stopped and walked up to a waterfall in one place during the afternoon but otherwise pretty much just drove all day!

The sun came out when we were looking for a camp site so we sat around drinking juice and eating chips (crisps).  We have run out of wine and it can only be bought at state owned 'wine monopoly' shops - we haven't found one yet!!!  It will be a mission when we next go to a town, although I'm sure it's very good to abstain for a while?

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, no wine!! There was no problem with that in Europe! I love the style of churches they have over there, I have never seen any like that before. Sorry you guys aren't having the amazing weather we had, although it is pretty grey and rainy in London now too.
