Saturday, September 21, 2013

Papplewick Pumping Station in Steam!

Ladies, Gentlemen, Commonfolk, All...
--Of --
For your delight and education
at the Power of the Engines
at the magnificent decoration
Drink in the scene...

Detail from one of the stained glass windows in the engine house

me and mum on the second floor

Carvings of Ibis on the decorated pillars

This was outside - a stationary engine driven hurdy-gurdy
The pistons from the second level

volunteer boilermen

the rear of the engine and boiler houses

Today we went to marvel and wonder at Papplewick Pumping Station in steam.  (Well first we had the obligatory pub meal at a 300 year old pub with a well in the dining room!)  This pumping station complex was built in 1882-4 to supply Nottingham with water.

This is the link if you want to see more (guys!!)
Malcolm took loads of videos but not so many photos!  And the blog won't download video.

There is a big lake, which was the cooling pond, and mature park-like gardens all around.  The Engine house is built from brick and is really ornate with stained glass windows, carved and decorated pillars, etc.  And of course all the machinery is gleaming brass and steel.  The boiler room has 6 huge boilers, 3 of which were made by a Stapleford firm that my granddad worked for, Pillatts.

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