Monday, September 2, 2013


colourful Luxembourg

Those little cave things are viewpoints from inside the casemates

looking out from the casemates

inside the tunnels of the casemates

one of the cars in the little rally

steampunkish elephant in Luxembourg

view of the river from the town walls

Luxembourg is closed

September 1

I know it was Sunday but really there wasn't anything to do in Luxembourg - so we left!

We did learn something though - the capital of Luxembourg is called Luxembourg.  We camped there, just slightly outside the main part of the city.  We went to the old part of the city in the morning, it is on a hilltop with a river winding past it.  The main attraction of the old city is a series of caves/tunnels called the casemates constructed in 1664 to protect the city.  They had cannons in them.  In WW2 they were used as air raid shelters.  The tunnels and spiral stairs are well lit but Alistair wouldn't like the height (lack of) and Jo wouldn't have liked that they were closed in.  At the entrance it warned you not to go in if you have a heart condition or claustrophobia. 

After the tunnels we drove to a town in the southern part of the country which had a collection of interesting old cars parked up in the centre (not real veteran ones, e-type jag, etc) all polished up.  Just after we got there they left leaving the town deserted and closed up.  We eventually found a cafe, had a coffee and went to France.

We drove south east into Alsace.  We stopped in the mountains for afternoon tea and I had the most amazing apple tart.  (This is actually turning into a cake tour!)  The houses in this part of France all have shutters and are cute, some of them tres shabby chic. We then dipped down into the Rhine valley and crossed back into Germany. We camped in a tiny campsite which we nearly missed - it's gate was covered with vines.  It looked long closed-up but a guy opened the gate, vines and all!  Tomorrow we are going to the Black Forest and I have high expectations of the Black Forest Gateau.

1 comment:

  1. my daughter danica lived in Alsace for 6 months on student exchange. She thought it was very piqtueresque. Can't believe there was nothing to do on a Sunday in Luxembourg!!!!!!!
    Your photos and commentary are amazing Heather. I can now see how you are an author!
