Sunday, September 15, 2013

Neolithic Flint Mines and Car Drama

This is at the bottom of the mine shaft looking into the workings at Grimes Graves

lunch pub in Norfolk

Malcolm at one of the 'graves' - hollows of in-filled flint mine/pit

We have been away for the weekend.  On Friday we drove through the wolds (Leicestershire and Rutland), through the fens (Norfolk) and to a place called Grimes Graves.  This is an area with 433 visible remains of flint mines and pits.  They were first dug between 2600 and 2200 BC!!  Around the time Stonehenge was built.  The real Flintstones!

We went underground in the mine and looked into the tunnels (you have to put on a helmet and only one person on the ladder at a time) then wandered around outside looking at the landscape.

Then on leaving we found we had a puncture.  Not normally too much of a problem but...first our wheel nut spanner was too munted to work.  So...we flagged down a car leaving Grimes Graves and Malcolm told them our dilemma and asked if they had a spanner that would work on his nuts!!!????!!!  How could they refuse?

But 1 nut had an anti-theft sleeve on and couldn't be removed so (after helping them repack their boot(they were just returning from a weeks self catering holiday) we drove slowly 5 miles into the nearest little town where the local garage spent about half an hour trying to get the nut off.  They said we might have to leave the car in over the weekend which was very awkward as we were heading to London to pick up Faith and Quentin and had accommodation booked for the next 2 nights!  A bit stressful - but after an hour or so they finally removed it by welding another nut on and turning that!

So a few hours behind schedule we continued.  We met Faith and Quentin at Upminster station and headed off into deepest Kent.  By the time we had got to our accommodation (at a farm) and walked down the dark country lanes to the pub (Malcolm needed a drink!) it was 8.30 and we hadn't had anything to eat or drink since our lunch at 12.00.

Still it could have been could have happened overseas or on a motorway....

1 comment:

  1. So pleased you got the nuts sorted Malcom!,, What a funny story Heather. Nice to have a laugh when I read your blog.
