Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The punting gang!

Off we go...

...past the colleges that border the river

Malcolm takes over from our punter/guide


...more scenery

Yesterday we were in Cambridge where we met up with Jo and Alistair and Ian and Maxine.  In the afternoon we went punting on the River Cam.  We hired a punt with a guide who punted us.  he told us the history of the old colleges that front onto the river, and about the various bridges we went under.  Malcolm had a go, I think Alastair will have good photos of this.  It was really hot, 32 degrees.

In the evening we went to an outdoor performance of Romeo and Juliet in the Fellows garden at King's College.  It was a beautiful, warm evening.  Some of us enjoyed the show, others were less impressed.

There were thunderstorms in the night and the weather was less hot today.  Malcolm, mum, Jo, Alistair and I went on the open top double decker bus tour for an hour and a half.  Then we had lunch in the centre of Cambridge.  Jo and Alistair left us to continue with their adventures and we drove back to Nottingham where we have had more thunderstorms.  the heat wave is supposed to continue, however...


  1. Great to see you caught up with Jo and Alaster and enjoyed some "educational" time together. 32 degrees WOW! I have been back to school for planning
    and sorting out the room. What fun! Beautiful day today so I might go visiting although my friends on the bus have departed. Enjoy and take care.
